Friday, August 5, 2011

Advice for New (and not so new) Teachers

Fun in 4th Grade is hosting an amazing linky party and I am so happy to be a part of it.  She wants us to share our best teacher advice. 

1.  Be consistent- Kids need to know what to expect from you every day.  So with your behavior plan, your routines, and expectations you must be consistent.

2.  Walk the line-  Having a connection with your students is one of the most important parts of teaching.  You need to be able to relate to them and reach them and there needs to be trust there too.  That being said, you have to walk a fine line between teacher and friend.  I have seen it happen before when a new teacher tries too hard to be a friend and then gets walked all over.

3. Ask for help- I want my kids to be lifelong learners just as I am.  I know that I do not know everything (ok most of the time I know this) so I have no problem asking another teacher or even sometimes a student for help.  We need to be role models for learning.

4.  Read aloud to your kids! It is such a wonderful bonding experience.  No matter how old or young your kids are they will love it!

5. Laugh! You are going to make mistakes so laugh at yourself.  Your kids will say the cutest things.  Enjoy it.

6. Try to  find the best in every child and then share it with their parents.  I try to start off the year by contacting every parent with something positive about their child.  That way if I ever have a problem, they will understand that I am on their side and have their child's best interest at heart. 


  1. great advice!!! i like contacting my parents with positives too...great way to get them on your side too!!! :)

  2. Thanks for linking up! I am glad you did I love reading other 4th grade blogs!

  3. Great advice. BTW, thanks for putting me on your blog roll. It has really helped get some traffic on my site, and I love getting feedback from people. Also, I started my 7 habits bulletin board today. Do you have poster already pre-created for each habit?


    The Teaching Thief

  4. Hi there! I just wanted to say thanks for entering my giveaway last week. I am your newest follower! :)
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  5. Amen sister! Missed reading your wonderful blog! But I'm back!

    Third Grade Meanderings

  6. do I add a pinterest button?

  7. Hi! I just joined Blogspot five days ago and have been on the lookout for great fourth grade weblogs. Thanks for sharing your insights! :) Looking forward to more from you as your follower!

