Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits is having a really fun linky party about how you know it is time to go back to school. You must join the fun!
10. I have been to Hobby Lobby more times in the past two weeks than I have in my entire life.
9. My cell phone cover has Modge Podge all over it from my attempt at being crafty.
8. I get asked when school starts and if I am ready every time I see someone I know. Maybe I should make a sign to hang around my neck: I go back August 10th, the kids come back the 15th, and I AM SO EXCITED! :)
7. I am frantically reading all the teaching books I told myself I would read this summer but never got around to
6. I can not stay away from teaching blogs (maybe that is just my constant state of being now though?)
5. I am foolishly tyring to make myself get up at a decent time (and failing).
4. Upon entering Wal-Mart I am drawn to the school supply section where I buy crayons and notebooks on almost every visit
3. My 4th grade team mate and friend, Brooke, (love ya Boo!) can't stop texting and emailing each other ideas. Most texts come from the middle of wal-mart or hobby lobby where inspiration strikes us.
2. My mom has her sewing machine out on her kitchen table for weeks at a time
1. My mind will not shut off at night because I am so busy planning and reminding myself to do this and that!
As much as I heart summer- I am truly excited to start another great year!